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Shabari Jayanti 2024 - Know Importance, Puja Vidhi & Story

In the Ramayana, we all know the story of feeding the plum to Lord Rama of Mother Shabari. This is the most popular part of the story of Ramayan. When Lord Rama approaches Shabari, she is so lost in his welcome and unshakable devotion that the Jutha plum is offered to God.

Shabri does not want God to get any sour plum and so she tastes it first and then increases it to God. Mata Shabari does not want Lord Rama to suffer. This scene is a unique example of devotion to God. Shabri Jayanti is celebrated every year for the same mother Shabari.

Why is Shabri Jayanti celebrated?

According to Hindi Panchang, Shabri Jayanti is celebrated every year on the Saptami of the Krishna Paksha of Phalgun month. It is believed that on this day, Lord Rama ate the shoes of his unique devotee mother Shabri’s shoes.

Importance of Shabri Jayanti

Shabri is considered a devotee of Lord Shri Rama. Lord Rama fulfilled his devotion by eating false hats. The story of Rambhakta Shabari is also found in the texts of Ramayana, Bhagavata, Ramacharit Manas, Sursagar etc.

Devotees of Shri Ram gather in this event. On the day of Shabri Jayanti, Ramayana etc. texts are recited and various religious programs are organized. Shramana was born in the family of Shabari Jati and since childhood, Shramana was a devotee of Lord Shri Ram.

Shramana’s husband was demonic in nature. Her husband used to harass people. After which one day Lord Sri Rama fulfilled his devotion by eating his false plum.

Shabari Jayanti Puja Vidhi

  • On this day, the seeker should wake up early in the morning and wear clean clothes.
  • After this, Ganga water should be sprinkled over it with a clean garrison and a statue of Bhagwan Shree Rama should be installed on it.
  • After installing the idol, Lord Shri Ram should offer fruits, flowers and naivedya, and plum especially.
  • After this one should read or listen to the story of Lord Shri Rama.
  • After reading and listening to the story of Lord Rama, Aarti should be performed with his incense and lamp.
  • Finally, one must apologize to Lord Rama for any mistake in worship.
  • After this, if possible, distribute plum among poor people.

Shabari Jayanti Story

Shabari was Shramana, who was born in a Shabari caste. Shramana used to worship Lord Shri Rama since childhood. Because of which she used to wait for Lord Shree Rama. The marriage that Shramana was married to was of an Asuri tendency. Because of which people used to run away from Shramana as well.

Due to which one-day Shramana abandoned her house and took refuge in the ashram of Matang Rishi. After which Matang Rishi tied him up. After which he started praying Shrama and vowed never to come again.

After which Shramana became engrossed in devotion to Lord Rama. When Prabhu came to find Mata Janaki near him, devotional Shramana started feeding him his infused plum. She became so absorbed in devotion to God that she did not even know about it

Shabri’s Jhuthe Ber Story

Shabari was the daughter of a tribal Bhil. His father decided to marry them, but there was a custom of tribals, innocent animals were sacrificed before doing any good. Then the father said – Shabari is a custom, according to which all these sheep and goats will be sacrificed before starting your marriage process tomorrow morning. Saying this, his father leaves from there.

Shabari is very sad to hear about the practice, she sat all night near those sheep and goats and kept talking to them. He had only one idea in his mind, how he could save these innocent animals. Only then suddenly Shabri comes to mind and before running away she ran away from her house to the forest so that she could save those innocent animals. Shabari knew very well, if once she leaves the house in this way, then she will never get a chance to come back home. Yet Shabri thought of those innocents before herself. Shabari got out of the house and went into a dense forest.

Mata Shabari alone was wandering in the forest, then for the purpose of education, she knocked in the ashram of many gurus, but Shabri was of inferior caste, so she was dismissed by everyone. Shabari wanderingly arrived at the ashram of Matang Rishi and expressed his desire to receive his education. Matang Rishi happily gave Shabari a place in his Gurukul.

All other sages despised Matang Rishi, but Matang Rishi gave Shabari a place in his ashram. Along with getting an education from Shabari Jatan, along with cleaning the ashram, taking care of cow house, milk and milk, she was involved in the work of preparing food for all gurukul dwellers.

Many years passed Matang was very happy with his devotion to the sage Shabri. Matang Rishi’s body was weakened, so he called Shabari to him one day and said – Daughter, my body is now weak, that’s why I want to leave my body, but before that I want to bless you, speak. What do you want, daughter? Shabri Matang says to the sage with tears in her eyes – O Guruvar, you are my father, I am alive because of you, you should take me with you.

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