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Shravan Amavasya 2024 - Know Rituals & Importance

Hariyali Amavasya, also known as Shravan Amavasya.This Shravan Amavasya / Hariyali Amavasya, which falls in the month of Shravan, has special significance. This day is very special for the worship of Lord Shiva. Special pujas are performed to please the Lord, who gets the blessings of Lord Shiva and all the crises are overcome. Festivals begin to form.

Hariyali Amavasya festival is celebrated on the Amavasya of the month of Sawan. In the month of Sawan, the whole nature is seen dancing with the rain of the soil. On this day, fairs are organized in many places and the farmers greet each other with the offerings of jaggery and dhani.

Method to Worship

Trees and plants have special significance on the green moon day, on this day trees are worshiped and trees are also planted. Peepal, Banyan, Banana, Lemon, Tulsi etc. trees are considered to be the abode of the gods, that’s why it is extremely auspicious to plant them. It is believed that Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh reside on the Peepal tree, while the Amla tree is believed to be inhabited by Lord Lakshminarayana.

  •  Apply sandalwood paste on Lord Shiva and offer milk.
  •  Feed mustard oil to black dogs with mustard oil.
  •  Chanting of the small Mahamrityunjaya Mantra at night on the green moon Amavasya eliminates all diseases.
  •  Offer 1001 Bilva Patra to Lord Shiva on Amavasya on greenery and chanting the mantra “Om Namah Shivaya”, removes the sufferings of Rahu-Ketu and other planets.
  •  In the evening, light a jasmine oil lamp in front of Hanuman ji and chant the meditation of Shri Ram.
  •  On this day, Peepal tree is worshiped and its offerings are made. The offerings of Malpua are made and offered.
  •  Light a lamp near Tulsi.
  •  Lord Shiva should offer black sesame seeds on green moon day and anoint their water, it removes all the troubles.
  •  After the sun sets, make Kheer and offer it to Lord Shiva and distribute it among the poor.
  •  Feed the ants by adding sugar to the flour.
  • Make fish chestnuts and go to the river or pond and put the fish in it.
  •  Go to Hanuman Mandir and recite Hanuman Chalisa and offer vermilion and jasmine oil to Hanuman ji, this eliminates problems.
  •  To please Goddess Lakshmi, in the evening, light a lamp of ghee in the north-east corner of the house.
  •  To protect from snakebite, Saturn’s condition and Pitripera, offer water and flowers on Shivling on green Amavasya day.
  • Greenery: A tree must be planted on the new moon day.
  •  Feed the hungry and donate it to the poor.

Religious importance of Shravan Amavasya

The month of Shravan (July-August) brings important events and festivals for Hindus. Shravan Amavasya or the day of the moon is very important in Hindu culture in many aspects. It is famous by various names in different regions based on the local cultures of India.

Throughout India, the eve of Shravan Amavasya is traditionally celebrated in various ways. Some of the most common names of Shravan Amavasya are: –

  •  Hariyali Amavasya (Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan)
  • Chitalagi Amavasya (Orissa)
  •  Chukkala Amavasya (Telangana and Andhra Pradesh)
  •  Gattari Amavasya (Maharashtra)

Ancestor worship

Moon day or Shravan Amavasya is considered a very auspicious day for Pitru Puja. The Amavasya that comes in certain months is considered very important to remember our ancestors and one of them is Shravan Amavasya. On this special day, the male members of the household observe paternal worship (Pitra Puja) and dedicate to the ancestors (Pitra Tarpan). People also pray for blessings from their ancestors. On this day special food is cooked and given to Brahmins.

Worship of Lord Shiva

On the day of Hariyali Amavasya, people worship Lord Shiva. Shiva offers abundant offerings in the temple or special types of pujas or ceremonies are performed for the ceremonies. It is believed that by worshiping Shiva on Shravan Amavasya, the devotees get blessings of good fortune, prosperity and wealth.

Shravan Amavasya fasting

Many people observe the fast of Shravan Amavasya. People get up early and take a holy bath before starting their fast. Devotees perform rituals as well as worship their deities.

Those who observe this fast, eat only one meal on this day and end their fast in the evening. It is strongly believed that, devotees who worship the Almighty and fast on Shravan Amavasya get a lot of wealth.

Shravan Amavasya Fair

Very big fairs are organized in different parts of the nation on the day of Shravan Amavasya. The celebration continues for three days, marked with delicious foods, mingling and lots of recreational activities. Women on this day she prays for the welfare and good fortune of the husbands.

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