2019 Ganesh Jayanti Puja Date & Time, 2019 Ganesh Jayanti Calendar
About Ganesh Jayanti :
Ganesh Jayanti also known as Magha shukla chaturthi, Tilkund chaturthi, and Varad chaturthi, is a Hindu festival. This day is celebrated as the birthday of Lord Ganesh, the elephant-headed son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. Lord Ganesh is the symbol of wisdom, prosperity and good fortune. t is a popular festival particularly in the Indian state of Maharashtra and it is also celebrated in goa held during the shukla paksha chaturthi day (fourth day of the bright fortnight or the waxing moon) in the month of Maagha as per almanac, which corresponds to the Gregorian calendar month of January/February.
Here is the date of Ganesh Jayanti Pooja 2019 :
Name of Festivals | Day | Date of Festivals |
Ganesh Jayanti | Friday | 08 February 2019 |
Ganesh Jayanti Timing :
Chaturthi Tithi Begins : 10:17 AM - 08 February 2019
Chaturthi Tithi End : 12:25 PM - 09 February 2019
On the festival day, an image of Ganesha, in symbolic conical form is made out of turmeric or sindhoor powder or some times of cowdung and worshipped. It is later immersed in water on the fourth day after the festival. A special preparation made of til (sesame seeds) is offered to Ganesha and then distributed to the devotees as prasad for eating. A fast is observed during worship during the day time followed by feasting in the night as a part of the rituals. The fast observed on this day is stated to enhance the name and fame of the individual.
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