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Bhadrapada Amavasya 2024 - Know Importance, Rituals & Story

The Amavasya Tithi of each month has its own special significance in Hinduism, but the month of Bhadrapada month has its own specialty. This Amavasya is also known as Kushagrahani or Pithori Amavasya. It is also called Bhadon Amavasya. In Hinduism, there is a law to perform Pitru tarpan on the day of Amavasya. It is believed that people who remember the ancestral deities of their home on this day donate and donate for their sake. Pitrodosh ends from their family.

Amavasya of Bhadrapada month is considered to be dedicated to Lord Krishna. According to the scriptures, one should bathe in the holy river or water tank on the day of Bhadrapada Amavasya. On Amavasya, donation and bath are considered very important. Therefore, on this day in the morning, one should bathe in some holy river, kund, and offer arghya to the sun god.

Bhadrapadra Amavasya Importance

Kush (a type of grass) is collected for religious work on the new moon day of Bhadrapada month. There is a belief in Hinduism that if the grass used in religious works or especially in performing Shraddha Karma etc., is collected on this day, it will be fruitful throughout the year.

It is called Kushagrahani Amavasya because of the collection of Kush. In Hindu religious texts, this Amavasya is also called Kushotpatini Amavasya. It is said that the Kusha that was uprooted on this Amavasya can be used for one year. In Hindu scripture, Kush is considered very pure and holy.

Similarly, if you have to uproot Kush, there are some rules that should be used for this. The importance of Kusha increases greatly in Shraddha or Shraddha Paksha and you can uproot them with these rules. Take a first bath in the morning and wear pure white clothes, after which you can uproot the land. While uprooting Kush, keep your face towards north or east. First chant “Om’ then touch Kush, after that you can recite these mantras.

Bhadrapadra Amavasya Rituals

The date of Amavasya is more important for bathing, donation and tarpan. If Amavasya falls on Monday and solar eclipse occurs on this day, then its importance increases even more. The religious works performed on the day of Bhadrapada Amavasya are as follows:

  • On this day, wake up early in the morning and bathe in a river, reservoir or pool and after offering arghya to the sun god, pour sesame in the running water.
  • Offer pinddaan for the peace of the ancestors on the banks of the river and donate it to a poor person or a Brahmin.
  •  On this day puja-Archana can also be done to remove Kalsarp Dosh.
  •  In the evening of Amavasya, put mustard oil under the Peepal tree and remember your ancestors and also do seven circumambulations of the Peepal.

Bhadrapadra Amavasya Story

Amavasya is considered to be the day of ancestors. And according to the scriptures, ancestors are offered on the day of Amavasya. On Amavasya, food, grain, money etc. are donated to poor people. By doing this, your fathers get peace. And with this, listening to the story of Amavasya Tithi of Bhadrapada month also gives you freedom from paternal debt.

So let us also know the story of Bhadrapada Amavasya. There lived a Brahmin and a Brahmin in a village. Both of them were devotees of God, they had everything in their house. But they had no child. And both of them were very unhappy about not having children. One day the Brahmin asked the Brahmin to go to the forest to do penance. And he went into the forest, relying on the Brahmin God.

Going into the forest, that Brahmin began to meditate. And many years passed while meditating him. During this time one day he got restless. And he thought I should end my life now. Thinking this, he agreed to die by making a noose hanging on a tree branch for the purpose of ending his life. And then upon seeing the Brahmin doing this, happiness and happiness emerged. And stopping the Brahmin from dying, he said, “O Brahmin, no child has been written in your destiny for seven births.” But I give you the blessing of two daughters.

You should give one girl’s name as Amavasya and the other girl’s name as Poonam. And tell your Brahmin that fasting or fasting on the new moon day of happiness. On Amavas, take a bowl of rice and keep Dakshina in it and keep it in a temple. Follow this rule continuously for one year. Keep donating a bowl including rice. The Brahmin came home after receiving such a boon from happiness and happiness.

And he told the whole story to his wife. And on the day of Amavasya, Brahmani kept a fast. A few days later two girls were born in that Brahmin’s house. Then the Brahmin named one girl Amavas and the other girl named Poonam. Gradually, as the girls grew older, the Brahmin married those girls. The elder sister Amavas was very religious, while her younger sister did not pay attention to God at all. There were plenty of stores of happiness, prosperity and wealth in the elder sister’s house. But younger sister Poonam’s sufferings were no less.

When the elder sister Amavas came to know about the younger sister that her sister is unhappy, then Amavasya went to the younger sister’s house after stuffing her in the car. And said that you should also fast for younger sister Poonam Sukh Amavas. And fast by worshiping. Doing this will fill the store of happiness and prosperity in your home. For a year, fill the bowl of rice and donate it along with dakshina.

Poonam did the same. So a few days later, money started growing in his house as well as money and children. In this way, whoever fasts on the new moon day is filled with the blessings of happiness and happiness in his house.


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