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Tripurmalini Shakti Peeth, Punjab, India: The Shaktism

Tripurmalini Shakti Peeth, Punjab, India: The Shaktism

Jalandhar or Tripurmalini Shakti Peeth

Jalandhar or Tripurmalini Shakti Peeth is considered one of the 51 Shakti Peeths famous in Hinduism. This Shakti Peeth is located in Jalandhar city, one kilometer from Jalandhar railway station in the state of Punjab.

According to the Puranas in Hinduism, wherever the body parts or ornaments of the goddess Sati fell, there they became Shakti Peeth. These Shakti Peeths are referred to as very holy shrines, that are spread all over the Indian subcontinent. These Shakti Peeths are very important from a religious point of view. The Devipuran describes 51 Shakti Peeths.

Significance of Jalandhar or Tripurmalini Shakti Peeth

In the Jalandhar or Tripurmalini Shakti Peeth, the "left chest" (chest) of the mom Sati was dropped. Here Mata Sati is known as ‘Tripurmalini’ and Lord Shiva as ‘Bhishn’.

This Shakti Peeth is believed to be positioned in Jalandhar, Punjab, where the left breast of Mother Sati fell. The power here is 'Tripurmalini' and Bhairav is 'horrific'. However, at present no deity is found in Jalandhar metropolis. Presumably, it would be applicable to consider Trigartha Pradesh (present Kangra Valley) from ancient Jalandhar, in which the three waking goddesses of 'Kangra Shakti Triangle' - 'Chininyi', 'Jwalamukhi' and 'Siddhamata Vidyeshwari' reside.

Well here Vishwamukhi Devi The temple is the place the breast statue is covered with cloth on the back and the metal-faced facade is seen outside. It is also called 'Breast Peeth' and 'Trigartha Tirtha' and is considered to be a Shakti Peeth called 'Jalandhar Peeth'. Sati's left breast collapsed right here.

Jalandhar or Tripurmalini Shakti Peeth Mythology

Jalandhar or Tripurmalini Shakti Peeth is one of the 51 Shakti peeths. According to religious texts, parts of Goddess Sati fell at all these places. According to the legend, a yajna was organized by King Daksha, father-in-law of Lord Shiva, during which King Daksha didn't send invitations to Lord Shiva and Mother Sati as a result of King Daksha didn't consider Lord Shiva as his equal. There was a variety of insult to Lord Shiva on the place of sacrifice, which Mata Sati could not bear and she fell into the Havan Kund there.

Lord Shankar came to find out about this, after which he reached there and took out the body of Mata Sati from Havan Kund and began doing Tandava, which caused upheaval in the entire universe. To save the entire universe from this crisis, Lord Vishnu divided the body of Mata Sati into 51 parts from his Sudarshan Chakra, the limb where it fell became the Shakti peeth.

In the Jalandhar or Tripurmalini Shakti Peeth, the "left chest" (chest) of the mom Sati was dropped. Here Mata Sati is known as ‘Tripurmalini’ and Lord Shiva as ‘Bhishn’.

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