Parama Ekadashi, also known as Purushottam Ekadashi, is celebrated on the Ekadashi tithi during the Krishna Paksha of the Hindu calendar. In the English calendar, it falls between the months of July-August. The method of this Ekadashi fast is very difficult. In this fast, fasting for five days is taken. On the day of Ekadashi, the fast should be bathed and seated in front of Lord Vishnu and take water and flowers in his hand. The method of this Ekadashi fast is very difficult. In this fast, fasting for five days is taken. On the day of Ekadashi, the fast should be bathed and seated in front of Lord Vishnu and take water and flowers in his hand.
Parama Ekadashi Vrat 2026 Date :
Name of festival | Day | Date of festival |
Parama Ekadashi | Thursday | 11 June 2026 |
Parama Ekadashi's Time :
Ekadashi Tithi starts : 00:55 - 11 June 2026
Ekadashi Tithi Ends : 22:35 - 11 June 2026
The fast is followed for five days. On the fifth day, after fasting Brahmin banquet and giving them alms and donations, they should observe the fast.